Ann Cools is a physiotherapist, working as an associate professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the Ghent University, Belgium, and as senior researcher at the Dept of Occupational and Physical Therapy and the Institute of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her topic of research and teaching expertise, as well as her clinical work is shoulder rehabilitation in general, and sport specific approach and scapular involvement in particular. She finished her PhD in 2003, debating scapular involvement in sports related shoulder pain in the overhead athlete, and she has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed international journals, wrote contributions and chapters in several international recognized books, and gives several courses on a national and international level. She was head of the Physical Therapy Education at the Ghent University 2008-2016, founding member and president of the European Society of Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER) 2008-2012, and founding member and board member of the Flemish Shoulder Network since 2016. She is since 2013 member of the Board of the International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists.
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