Claire Robertson (MSc)

Claire Robertson qualified in 1994 with a BSc(hons) Physiotherapy. She obtained her MSc Physiotherapy, in 2003 and PGCE in 2006. Claire has worked in the NHS, academia and private practice, and currently runs a specialist patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics. She continues to lecture internationally and publish her research in internationally peer-reviewed journals, and has won research grants to support this. Claire runs her own post-graduate course on patellofemoral problems for physiotherapists, and is a member of both the committee for the British Patellofemoral Society and sub-committee of British Association for Surgery of the Knee.

Upcoming Events

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27 september 2024

The PatelloFemoral Joint: From Pain to Performance – Claire Robertson & Claire Minshull

Lividum Gym - Oud-Strijderslaan 15, Herentals 350,00 27 Qty Available
Lividum Gym - Oud-Strijderslaan 15, Herentals 350,00 27 Qty Available