Greg Lehman

Prior to my clinical career I was fortunate enough to receive a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council MSc graduate…

Mike James (The Endurance Physio)

Director of Sports Injury Fix & The Endurance Physio Mike is a former Military Physical Training Instructor and rehabilitation specialist,…

Mark Laslett (PT, Phd)

Mark Laslett is a New Zealand Board Registered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Specialist (NZRPS), based in Christchurch, New Zealand. He is a…


Dr. Zach Long is a physical therapist in Charlotte, North Carolina and runs an industry leading fitness website “The Barbell…

Prof. Dr. Chad Cook (PT, PhD)

Professor Chad Cook is a clinical researcher, physical therapist, and profession advocate with a history of clinical care excellence and…

Mr. Jack March (PT)

Jack is Rheumatology Clinical lead for Chews Health. Alongside his clinical roles he provides CPD seminars on recognising Rheumatology and…

Prof. Dr. Paul van Wilgen

Prof. Dr. C. Paul van Wilgen is gezondheidspsycholoog, fysiotherapeut en epidemioloog, en werk meer dan 25 jaar met patiënten met…

Prof. Dr. Ann Cools

Ann Cools is a physiotherapist, working as an associate professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the…

Tom Borgers (PT, MSc)

Tom Borgers studeerde af in 2006 aan optie musculoskeletale kinesitherapie van de KULeuven en de postgraduaat opleiding manuele van UGent…

Bart Dingenen (PT, PhD)

Dr. Bart Dingenen is klinisch werkzaam als kinesitherapeut in groepspraktijk Motion to Balance te Genk. Verder is Bart als docent…